Sunday, June 13, 2010

Do you know your Heart Risk

By deciding to take this responsibility in your hands, we wish you may live a longer life with a lively heart.

What is a Coronary Risk Questionnaire?

This is a thorough online coronary risk assessment based on a self reporting questionnaire. This assessment will educate you about the causes related to your health that could pose a threat of developing a coronary disease, based on which we provide personalized recommendations and methods to adapt a healthier lifestyle and a healthy heart.

The assessment is comprised of three parts:

Biographical Information: A set of 5 questions regarding your personal details.
Lifestyle Questionnaire: A series of questions assessing your dietary and lifestyle habits.
Common Health Tests: A set of 4 questions regarding your levels of normal health tests and your health interests.
At the completion of the assessment, the above data will be used to generate a comprehensive report consisting of:

An overall coronary risk score.
An individual lifestyle score of Key Lifestyle Predictors of Health and Longevity-Family history of heart disease, personal history of arterial disease, smoking status, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, diabetes, BMI, saturated fat intake, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts, water, physical activity and stress.
Recommended values for improvement are provided in each category.
Check your Heart Risk at

1 comment:

  1. provides tools to assess your heart risk, you can good amount of idea on the your heart risk.
