Sunday, June 20, 2010

Everyone is fighting a battle ? A little help in your fight makes you more stronger

I have had the pleasure of knowing / working with people with varied backgrounds and at various levels in many organization. All my personal or professional acquiantances have shown a very similar trend in their satisfaction levels at both personal and prfessional front. Their behaviours a very predictable. I have come across a very few people who are always ( ~ 90%) of the times are happy and have positive energy. It is real fum to interact with these people esp when one is feeling very low. I shall wriet more about these people ( may be in my next post).

Coming back to majority of the predictable people.
So what do have these people in common ?
Simple to guess - none of them is happy with either with current job or having circumstances at personal front.
But WHY?
Big question...huh... but it has simple answer. Too simple.
Let me share one example of a friend.
He has been working in the industry for more than a decade now and has worked in some of the top companies in India / Globally. He has recently joined a new organization - Global Big Brand and prior to this he was working with one the biggest Global Brand. He went for induction and came back last week.
Even with the new organization he has problems. He had the problems / issues with people in his previous organization that is the reason for his looking out for a change.

Now after spending a few weeks in the new organization his problems are not gone. He has a new set of isssues / problem with the new organization.

Question 1 - Will changing job solve your problem?
Question 2 - Will the issues be over any time?
Question 3 - Where does the problem lie in me or with the world?
Question 4 - Who is insane me or the World?

Well the answer is not difficult to find.

We all fight our own battles and we need to understand the prerogative of the other person first. Can an individual fight and change everything around him to his liking or as per his prerogative. OR is it easy for him to understand the other's perspective and try and adjust to the situation and providing inputs to the relevant people for making those changes logically. Now another angle LOGIC - this can too vary for different people at different levels. One has to understand the individual and talk the languagae best understood by him.

The Conflict - creates the problems / issues.

It is the different prerogatives / perspectives that creates these problems. A person can handle them only upto a certain limit.

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