Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Know your real age by -

This tools helps you to determine your "Health age"

What is a Health Age Lifestyle and Longevity Assessment?

This is an electronic application based on a self reporting questionnaire. This assessment will help you in finding your health age based on your present lifestyle, through this we will provide you personalized ways to improvise on your actual age and help you learn about the potential years which can be added to your age.

The assessment is comprised of two parts:

1.Biographical Information: A set of questions regarding your personal details and your current health status.
2.Lifestyle Questionnaire: A set of 12 questions assessing your dietary and lifestyle habits.
At the completion of the assessment, the above data will be used to generate a comprehensive report consisting of:

•an overall lifestyle Score
•an individual lifestyle score of Key Lifestyle Predictors of Health and Longevity including physical activity, smoking status, BMI, red meat, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts, water, happiness, social support, sleep, and stress.
•a health age appraisal giving you your current age, potential health age, health age, and potential added years of life.
Recommended values for improvement are provided in each category.

Why should one complete a Health Age-Lifestyle and Longevity Assessment?

This will identify your current health status leading to:

•Adaptation of better lifestyle predictors to enhance your health age
•Adaptation of guidelines for healthy living
•Addition of potential years to your life
This report can be printed and carried along with you to your doctor, so that he or she may be updated with your lifestyle and dietary habits. We suggest carrying this with you during while traveling in case of any unforeseen medical emergency.

How long would it take to complete A Health Age-Lifestyle and Longevity Assessment?

Approximately 10 minutes.

Is there anything else I should know about completing a health Age-lifestyle and longevity assessment?

While completing your health information, accuracy and openness is vital for a proper comprehension of your health by your health care professional. The only way that he/she can provide you with the most effective and useful treatment is if the information stated on your record is complete and accurate in all respects.

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